– My personal OS report

About one year I’ve developed a shell script to collect important information about operation system, software and hardware in TIM Telecom, there they have applications running on Alpha, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and obvious in the mighty Linux.

And for this purpose the was born, i’ve also developed two ansible tasks, one for deploy cron jobs and other to collect the compressed data that was generate by this little monster that saved me a some times.

In this shell script there is a lot of *nix commands to collect information about OS and InfoScale/Veritas Cluster Server.

The script collects a lot of information about the running system and save the output of each commands in a text file, and saves copies of important files in a directory named files. At the end of the script everything is compressed with tar in the global directory.

The function to run on AIX it’s incomplete, if you like AIX please make your contribution, fork me on github and make your changes.


# script: - version 2.00
# description:  collect information about system, software and hardware.
# author:       Diego R. Santos <>

# check if user is root.
[ $EUID -ne 0 ] && exit 1

# IMPORTANT: global collect directory on local server for all systems.
collect_path="/var/tmp/collect/$(date +"%d%m%Y")";

# function to run on platform Red Hat Linux only.
sys_linux () {

# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions

# checks if collect directory exists and delete old jobs, if not exists create it. delete collect tar files too.
[ -d /var/tmp/collect ] && find /var/tmp/collect -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name collect -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
[ -d /var/tmp/collect ] && find /var/tmp/collect -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
[ ! -d ${collect_path} ] && mkdir -p ${collect_path}

# identify current release.
[ -f /usr/bin/lsb_release ] && lsb_release -a > ${collect_path}/redhat-release.txt || cat /etc/redhat-release > ${collect_path}/redhat_release.txt

# get the output of native and third party commands.
if [ ! -d ${collect_path}/files/ ] ; then
        mkdir -p ${collect_path}/files/{boot,proc}
        cp -r /etc/{rc.d,bashrc,collectd.conf,cron.deny,crontab,dracut.conf,exports,filesystems,fstab,group,gshadow,host.conf,hosts,hosts.allow,hosts.deny,idmapd.conf,inittab,kdump.conf,krb5.conf,lftp.conf,localtime,login.defs,logrotate.conf,lsb-release,motd,mtab,my.cnf,networks,nsswitch.conf,ntp.conf,numad.conf,passwd,php.ini,profile,protocols,quotatab,redhat-release,resolv.conf,rsyslog.conf,services,shadow,shells,sos.conf,sudoers,sysctl.conf,yum.conf,zabbix_agent.conf,zabbix_agentd.conf,zabbix_server.conf,server_id.cfg,sudoers.d,ssh/sshd_config,lvm,modprobe.conf,modprobe.d,sysconfig,security,udev,postfix/} ${collect_path}/files
        cp -r /proc/{net,cpuinfo,loadavg,meminfo,net/dev,partitions,pci,stat,uptime,version,cmdline,mounts} ${collect_path}/files/proc
        ls /boot/ | egrep $(uname -r) | while read -r line ; do cp -r /boot/$line ${collect_path}/files/boot ; done

alternatives --display java > ${collect_path}/java.txt
chkconfig --list > ${collect_path}/chkconfig.txt
arp -a > ${collect_path}/arp_a.txt
crontab -l > ${collect_path}/crontab.txt
date > ${collect_path}/date.txt
df -alP > ${collect_path}/df_alP.txt
df -iP > ${collect_path}/df_i.txt
df -kP > ${collect_path}/df_k.txt
df -hP > ${collect_path}/df_h.txt
dmesg > ${collect_path}/dmesg.txt
dmidecode > ${collect_path}/dmidecode.txt
dmsetup info -c > ${collect_path}/dmsetup_info.txt
dmsetup ls --tree > ${collect_path}/dmsetup_ls.txt
dmsetup status > ${collect_path}/dmsetup_status.txt
dmsetup table > ${collect_path}/dmsetup_table.txt
exportfs -v > ${collect_path}/exportfs_v.txt
fdisk -l > ${collect_path}/fdisk.txt
free > ${collect_path}/free.txt
getconf LONG_BIT > ${collect_path}/getconf_long_bit.txt
getconf PAGE_SIZE > ${collect_path}/getconf_page_size.txt
hostid > ${collect_path}/hostid.txt
hostname --fqdn > ${collect_path}/hostname.txt
ifconfig -a > ${collect_path}/ifconfig.txt
ifenslave -a > ${collect_path}/ifenslave_a.txt
ip address > ${collect_path}/ip_address.txt
ip link > ${collect_path}/ip_link.txt
ip maddr show > ${collect_path}/ip_maddr_show.txt
ip mroute show > ${collect_path}/ip_mroute_show.txt
ip neigh show > ${collect_path}/ip_neigh_show.txt
ip route show table all > ${collect_path}/ip_route_show_table_all.txt
ip -s link show > ${collect_path}/ip_link_show.txt
ipcs -a > ${collect_path}/ipcs_a.txt
last boot > ${collect_path}/last_boot.txt
lsblk > ${collect_path}/lsblk.txt
lsmod > ${collect_path}/lsmod.txt
lsof -b +M -n -l > ${collect_path}/lsof_bMnl.txt
lspci > ${collect_path}/lspci.txt
lspci -v > ${collect_path}/lspci_v.txt
lvmdiskscan > ${collect_path}/lvmdiskscan.txt
lvm dumpconfig > ${collect_path}/lvm_dumpconfig.txt
lvm version > ${collect_path}/lvm_version.txt
lvs -a -o +devices --config="global{locking_type=0}" > ${collect_path}/lvs.txt
lvs --segments --config="global{locking_type=0}" > ${collect_path}/lvs_segments.txt
multipath -v4 -ll > ${collect_path}/multipath.txt
netstat -agn > ${collect_path}/netstat_agn.txt
netstat -antpl > ${collect_path}/netstat_antpl.txt
netstat -anupl > ${collect_path}/netstat_anupl.txt
netstat -neopa > ${collect_path}/netstat_neopa.txt
netstat -nr > ${collect_path}/netstat_nr.txt
netstat -s > ${collect_path}/netstat_s.txt
netstat -s > ${collect_path}/netstat_s.txt
nfsstat -a > ${collect_path}/nfsstat.txt
ntpstat > ${collect_path}/ntpstat.txt
ps alxwww > ${collect_path}/ps_alxwww.txt
ps auxwwwm > ${collect_path}/ps_auxwwwm.txt
pstree > ${collect_path}/pstree.txt
pvs -a -v --config="global{locking_type=0}" > ${collect_path}/pvs.txt
pvscan -v --config="global{locking_type=0}" > ${collect_path}/pvscan.txt
readlink -f /usr/bin/java > ${collect_path}/java_version.txt
rhncfg-client channels > ${collect_path}/rhncfg-client_channels.txt
route -n > ${collect_path}/route.txt
rpcinfo -p localhost > ${collect_path}/rpcinfo_p_localhost.txt
rpm -qa > ${collect_path}/rpm_qa.txt
rpm -qai > ${collect_path}/rpm_qai.txt
runlevel > ${collect_path}/runlevel.txt
showmount -e localhost > ${collect_path}/showmount.txt
swapon -s > ${collect_path}/swapon.txt
udevadm info -e ${collect_path}/udevadm_info_e.txt
ulimit -a > ${collect_path}/ulimit.txt
uname -a > ${collect_path}/uname.txt
vgdisplay -vv --config="global{locking_type=0}" > ${collect_path}/vgdisplay.txt
vgscan -vvv --config="global{locking_type=0}" > ${collect_path}/vgscan.txt
vgs -v --config="global{locking_type=0}" > ${collect_path}/vgs.txt
yum -C repolist > ${collect_path}/yum_repolist.txt
/usr/local/sbin/ > ${collect_path}/boot_device.txt

# generate hadouken json file.
[ -x /usr/local/sbin/ ] && /usr/local/sbin/

# get LUN information.
if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/inq ] ; then
  /usr/local/sbin/inq -no_dots > ${collect_path}/inq.txt
  /usr/local/sbin/inq -no_dots -wwn > ${collect_path}/inq_wwn.txt

if [ -x /usr/bin/lsscsi ] ; then
  lsscsi > ${collect_path}/lsscsi.txt

# get FC information.
if [ -x /usr/bin/systool ] ; then
  systool -v -c fc_host > ${collect_path}/systool_vc_fc_host.txt
  for a in $(ls /sys/class/fc_host/host)
    do ; cat $a/port_name >> ${collect_path}/fc_port_name.txt

# get EMC PowerPath information.
if [ -x /sbin/powermt ] ; then
  powermt check_registration > ${collect_path}/powermt_registration.txt
  powermt version > ${collect_path}/powermt_version.txt
  powermt display ports > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_ports.txt
  powermt display options > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_options.txt
  powermt display unmanaged > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_unmanaged.txt
  powermt display paths > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_paths.txt
  powermt display dev\=all > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_dev_all.txt
  powermt display alua dev\=all > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_alua_dev_all.txt
  powermt display options > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_options.txt
  powermt display hba_mode > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_hba_mode.txt
  powermt display port_mode > ${collect_path}/powermt_display_port_mode.txt
  powermt save file=${collect_path}/powermt_save.txt
  emcpreg -list > ${collect_path}/emcpreg.txt

# get information about Oracle instances.
sids=($(ps -ef | grep pmon | awk -F\_ '{print $3}' | egrep -v '^$|\+' | xargs))
[ ! -z $sids ] && echo $sids > ${collect_path}/oracle_sids.txt

# get information about InfoScale/Veritas Cluster Server.
check_vcs_had=$(ps -ef | egrep -w "VRTSvcs/bin/had");
if [ ! -z "$check_vcs_had" ] ; then
  export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/VRTSvcs/bin:/opt/VRTS/bin:/opt/VRTSsfmh/bin:/etc/vx/bin
  hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ -display > ${collect_path}/hacf_verify_display.txt
  had -version > ${collect_path}/had_version.txt
  hauser -display > ${collect_path}/hauser_display.txt
  hauser -list > ${collect_path}/hauser_list.txt
  hasys -list > ${collect_path}/hasys_list.txt
  hasys -state > ${collect_path}/hasys_state.txt
  hasys -nodeid > ${collect_path}/hasys_nodeid.txt
  hastatus -summ > ${collect_path}/hastatus_summ.txt
  hatype -display > ${collect_path}/hatype_display.txt
  hatype -list > ${collect_path}/hatype_list.txt
  hares -list > ${collect_path}/hares_list.txt
  hares -list > ${collect_path}/hares_list.txt
  hagrp -list > ${collect_path}/hares_list.txt
  hagrp -list > ${collect_path}/hagrp_list.txt
  haclus -value EngineVersion > ${collect_path}/haclus_engineversion.txt
  haclus -display > ${collect_path}/haclus_display.txt
  vxddladm get namingscheme > ${collect_path}/vxddladm_namingscheme.txt
  vxddladm listjbod > ${collect_path}/vxddladm_listjbod.txt
  vxddladm listsupport > ${collect_path}/vxddladm_listsupport.txt
  vxlist > ${collect_path}/vxlist.txt
  vxdisk list > ${collect_path}/vxdisk_list.txt
  vxdisk -e list > ${collect_path}/vxdisk_e_list.txt
  vxdisk -s list > ${collect_path}/vxdisk_s_list.txt
  vxdisk -o alldgs list > ${collect_path}/vxdisk_o_alldgs_list.txt
  vxdctl -c mode > ${collect_path}/vxdctl_c_mode.txt
  vxdctl mode > ${collect_path}/vxdctl_mode.txt
  vxclustadm -v nodestate > ${collect_path}/vxclustadm_nodestate.txt
  vxclustadm nidmap > ${collect_path}/vxclustadm_nidmap.txt
  /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxclustadm -v nodestate -d > ${collect_path}/vxclustadm_v_nodestate.txt
  gabconfig -a > ${collect_path}/gabconfig_a.txt
  gabconfig -W > ${collect_path}/gabconfig_W.txt
  lltconfig -W > ${collect_path}/lltconfig_W.txt
  lltstat > ${collect_path}/lltstat.txt
  lltstat -nvv active > ${collect_path}/lltstat_active.txt
  lltstat -n > ${collect_path}/lltstat_n.txt
  cfscluster status > ${collect_path}/cfscluster_status.txt
  vxdg list > ${collect_path}/vxdg_list.txt && vxdg free > ${collect_path}/vxdg_free.txt
  vxprint -ht > ${collect_path}/vxprint_ht.txt
  vxprint -Ath -q > ${collect_path}/vxprint_Athq.txt
  vxprint -AGts > ${collect_path}/vxprint_AGts.txt
  vxprint -m rootdg > ${collect_path}/vxprint_m_rootdg.txt
  vxlicrep > ${collect_path}/vxlicrep.txt
  vxlicrep -e > ${collect_path}/vxlicrep_e.txt
  vxfenadm -d > ${collect_path}/vxfenadm_d.txt
  vxdmpadm gettune all > ${collect_path}/vxdmpadm_gettune_all.txt
  vxdmpadm listapm all > ${collect_path}/vxdmpadm_listapm_all.txt
  vxdmpadm listenclosure all > ${collect_path}/vxdmpadm_listenclosure_all.txt
  vxdmpadm stat restored > ${collect_path}/vxdmpadm_stat_restored.txt
  vxdmpadm listctlr all > ${collect_path}/vxdmpadm_listctlr_all.txt
  vxdmpdbprint > ${collect_path}/vxdmpdbprint.txt
  vxlicense -p > ${collect_path}/vxlicense_p.txt

for a in $(/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hares -list | awk '{print $1}') ; do
  hares -display $a > ${collect_path}/hares_display.txt

for a in $(/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagrp -list | awk '{print $1}') ; do
  hagrp -display $a > ${collect_path}/hagrp_display.txt


if [ -d /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ ] ; then
  mkdir -p ${collect_path}/VRTSvcs
  cp -r /etc/{llthosts,VRTSvcs/conf/config/*.cf,llttab,vxfenmode,vxfentab,gabtab,gabconfig,VRTSagents,VRTSvbs,vxcps,vxfen.d} ${collect_path}/VRTSvcs

# compress than delete the current job directory.
[ -d ${collect_path} ] && cd ${collect_path}/../ && mv $(date +"%d%m%Y") $(hostname -s)_$(date +"%d%m%Y") && tar -cvjSf collect_$(hostname -s)_$(date +"%d%m%Y").tar.bz2 $(hostname -s)_$(date +"%d%m%Y") --remove-files


# function to run on platform AIX only.
sys_aix () {
        exit 1

# function to run on platform SunOS only.
sys_sunos () {

# checks if collect directory exists and delete old jobs, if not exists create it. delete collect tar files older than 7 days.
[ -d ${collect_path} ] && find ${collect_path}/../ -type d ! -name collect ! -name \. -exec rm -rf '{}' \; || mkdir -p ${collect_path}
[ -d ${collect_path} ] && find ${collect_path}/../ -type f -name collect_*.tar -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf '{}' \;

uname -n > ${collect_path}/hostname.txt
cfgadm -alv > ${collect_path}/cfgadm-alv.txt
cp -pr /etc/hosts /etc/hostname.* /root/scripts/* /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/services /etc/vfstab ${collect_path}
crontab -l > ${collect_path}/crontab-l.txt
df -k > ${collect_path}/df_k.txt
dladm show-aggr -L > ${collect_path}/dladm-show-aggr.txt
dladm show-dev > ${collect_path}/dladm-show-dev.txt
dladm show-phys > ${collect_path}/dladm-show-phys.txt
echo |format > ${collect_path}/format.txt
eeprom > ${collect_path}/eeprom.txt
fcinfo hba-port > ${collect_path}/fcinfo-hba.txt
ifconfig -al > ${collect_path}/ifconfig.txt
ipadm show-addr > ${collect_path}/ipadm-show-addr.txt
ipadm show-\if > ${collect_path}/ipadm-show-if.txt
ldm list > ${collect_path}/ldm-list.txt
ldm list-devices > ${collect_path}/ldm-list-devices.txt
ldm list-services > ${collect_path}/ldm-list-services.txt
ldm ls -l > ${collect_path}/ldm-ls-l.txt
luxadm -e port > ${collect_path}/luxadm-port.txt
mount > ${collect_path}/mount.txt
mpathadm list LU > ${collect_path}/mpathadm-list.txt
mpathadm show LU > ${collect_path}/mpathadm-show.txt
netstat -an > ${collect_path}/netstat-an.txt
netstat -rn > ${collect_path}/netstat-rn.txt
powermt display > ${collect_path}/powermt.txt
powermt display dev=all > ${collect_path}/powermt_all.txt
prtdiag -v > ${collect_path}/prtdiag-v.txt
ps -ef > ${collect_path}/processos.txt
ps -ef | grep -i pmon > ${collect_path}/pmon.txt
rpcinfo > ${collect_path}/rpcinfo.txt
svcs -av > ${collect_path}/svcs-av.txt
svcs -l > ${collect_path}/svcs-l.txt
svcs -xv > ${collect_path}/svcs-xv.txt
uname -a > ${collect_path}/uname.txt
/usr/bin/ls -l /dev/rdsk > ${collect_path}/ls-rdsk.txt
vmstat 5 5 > ${collect_path}/vmstat.txt
zfs list > ${collect_path}/zfs-list.txt
zpool list > ${collect_path}/zpool-list.txt
zpool status -v > ${collect_path}/zpool-status.txt

# compress than delete the current job directory.
[ -d ${collect_path} ] && cd ${collect_path}/../ && mv $(date +"%d%m%Y") $(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y") && tar -cf collect_$(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y").tar $(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y") && rm -rf $(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y")


# function to run on platform HP-UX only.
sys_hpux () {
bdf > ${collect_path}/bdf.txt
cp -pr /etc/hosts /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/services /etc/lvmpvg /etc/lvmtab /etc/fstab ${collect_path}/
cp -pr /etc/shadow /etc/rc.config.d/netconf /etc/dfs /etc/rc.config.d/nddconf /etc/exports ${collect_path}/
cp -pr /.profile /etc/profile ${collect_path}/
cp /usr/local/bin/*.sh ${collect_path}/
crashconf -v > ${collect_path}/crashconf.txt
exportfs  > ${collect_path}/exportfs.txt
ioscan -fnC disk > ${collect_path}/ioscan_fnC_disks.txt
ioscan -fnC lan > ${collect_path}/ioscan_fnC_lan.txt
ioscan -fn > ${collect_path}/ioscan_fn.txt
ioscan -m dsf > ${collect_path}/ioscan_m_dsf.txt
ioscan -m lun > ${collect_path}/ioscan_m_lun.txt
kctune > ${collect_path}/kctune.txt
kmtune > ${collect_path}/kmtune.txt
lanscan >  ${collect_path}/lanscan.txt
lvdisplay -v /dev/vg*/lvol* > ${collect_path}/lvdisplay.txt
lvlnboot -R > ${collect_path}/lvlnboot_R.txt
lvlnboot -v > ${collect_path}/lvlnboot_v.txt
mount -p > ${collect_path}/mount_p.txt
netstat -in > ${collect_path}/netstat_in.txt
netstat -rn > ${collect_path}/netstat_rn.txt
powermt display > ${collect_path}/powermt_display.txt
powermt display dev=all > ${collect_path}/powermt_dispaly_devall.txt
ps -ef > ${collect_path}/ps_ef.txt
ps -ef | grep -i pmon > ${collect_path}/pmon.txt
setboot > ${collect_path}/setboot.txt
swapinfo -tam > ${collect_path}/swapinfo_tam.txt
swlist -l bundle > ${collect_path}/swlist_l_bundle.txt
swlist -l fileset > ${collect_path}/swlist_l_fileset.txt
swlist -l product > ${collect_path}/swlist_l_product.txt
sysdef > ${collect_path}/sysdef.txt
uname -a > ${collect_path}/uname_a.txt
vgdisplay -v > ${collect_path}/vgdisplay_v.txt
vparenv > ${collect_path}/vparenv.txt
vparstatus -A > ${collect_path}/vparstatus_A.txt
vparstatus > ${collect_path}/vparstatus.txt
vparstatus -v > ${collect_path}/vparstatus_v.txt

[ ! -d ${collect_path}/crontabs/ ] && mkdir -p ${collect_path}/crontabs
cp -pr /var/spool/cron/crontabs/* ${collect_path}/crontabs/

if  [ -d /etc/cmcluster ] ; then
  tar cvf ${collect_path}/cmcluster.tar  /etc/cmcluster
  cmviewcl > ${collect_path}/cmviewcl.txt
  cmviewcl -v > ${collect_path}/cmviewcl_v.txt

# compress than delete the current job directory.
[ -d ${collect_path} ] && cd ${collect_path}/../ && mv $(date +"%d%m%Y") $(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y") && tar -cf collect_$(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y").tar $(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y") && rm -rf $(uname -n)_$(date +"%d%m%Y")

# function to check platform.
my_verify_plat () {


[ ${plat} = "Linux" ] && sys_linux ; rt=0
[ ${plat} = "AIX" ] && sys_aix ; rt=0
[ ${plat} = "SunOS" ] && sys_sunos ; rt=0
[ ${plat} = "HP-UX" ] && sys_hpux ; rt=0
[ ${rt} -ne 0 ] && exit 1

} > /dev/null 2>&1 

# check the platform than run the correct function.

I use ansible to do my hard work always, the following ansible tasks can distribute the shell script, configure cron and collect output files.

# collect-exec.yml
- hosts: datacenter1
 gather_facts: no

 - file: name={{ item }} state=absent
 - /var/tmp/

- copy: src=/appl/collect/ dest=/var/tmp/ mode=0775 owner=root

- cron: name="collect-exec" state=present minute="0" hour="22" job="timeout 30m /var/tmp/"
# fetch_collect-exec.yml
- hosts: datacenter1
 gather_facts: no

 - shell: "find /var/tmp/collect -maxdepth 1 -type f | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'"
 register: result

- debug: var=result

- fetch: src=/var/tmp/collect/{{ item }} dest=/appl/collect/data flat=yes
 with_items: result.stdout_lines

To run the ansible tasks do the following.

# ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/tasks/collect-exec.yml -f 50 -v
# ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/tasks/fetch_collect-exec.yml -f 50 -v

Have fun 🙂

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